How to become an Educator with NCLH

Potential Educators, are you a match?

Read our mission statement and this short description about who we are and our ethos for working. Thousands of mums and dads who have connected with NCLH showing their interest are already waiting for Educators like yourselves, who have the necessary vision and forward thinking approach that aligns with our NCLH tribe. Together we can provide high quality and meaningful learning for our sons/daughters and wider members of the community.

Become a member of the NCLH community as an Educator and if you are aligned with our ethos and values, you will be able to upload your profile onto the website, setting your own sessions and pricing. Then you can begin to attract the right Learners for you!

As Educators working within the National Community Learning Hubs (NCLH) it is accepted and agreed that the foundation of the cooperative is based upon Natural Law and Contract Law. There are four maxims (principles) that between them, cover all crimes and community guidelines on cohabiting/collaborating with each other. These four principles are applied to every area of our collaborative working within NCLH.

Cause no harm
Cause no loss
Don’t breach the peace
Do not use mischief in your promises, agreements and contracts
(i.e don’t commit Fraud)

For those who are interested in becoming an educator with us please click the link to find out more….

National Community Learning Hubs Guidelines for Educators

NCLH is a private grass roots led membership group.
Government agents of any kind are not permitted to be on this site.
We converse with you as man or woman.

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