Educator Lorna

Educator Lorna

Mind-Wellness & Meditation Educator | Soul-Story Intuitive Energy Healer | Celebrant

Soul Remembrance Services – Soul-Self Alchemy & Ascension Education ~ Using mind-detoxing, mind-wellness embodying techniques and mind-body meditation.

​​​My work is primarily with women, & mothers that have a desire to resolve and heal past and present emotional challenges, through self-awareness education.  This can be achieved by practising and embodying mind detoxing and mind-body wellness techniques that you can personally use and share with your family and friends.​

The premise of all my teachings is peace, learning why, and how peace with the mind, body, and life is the way to wellness. To empower YOU with meditation and mind-wellness techniques to use in daily life. Practical, repeatable resources to free up a peaceful space within your mind, even throughout your day! An ongoing salve from life’s immensely challenging and amazing times.

Mind-Body meditation is at the heart of what I also teach.

My Meditation Soul gatherings are for anyone who wishes to experience guided meditations with gentle breath, and a unique conscious aware way of experiencing peace within.

I am passionate about helping to educate you to awaken to the power of your sacred soul-self, and your potential for peace that resides within.

Peace, Love & Soul Blessings, Lorna

Easter Offering:  Meditation Soul Gathering – Experience 20-30 min guided Tranquil Mind Meditation and one or two empowering Tranquil-Mind-Wellness methods to take away.

In the session my desire for you is to help you: –

Unplug from all distractions, to plug in to your peace

​Feel a sense of immediate calm, peace, a spaciousness within the mind-body

Help raise your conscious awareness frequency

Help your mind-body to rest and recuperate. (Even 20 minutes dissolves stress in the body)

Encourage a sense of wellbeing within the body.

Session dates:  Tuesday 5th April, 10-11am, Wednesday 6th April 10-11am , Thursday April 7th  7-8pm, Friday 8th April 7-8pm

NCLH is a private grass roots led membership group.
Government agents of any kind are not permitted to be on this site.
We converse with you as man or woman.

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