Educator Jo

Educator Jo

It is with all the joy in my heart to share with you my passion, the Hawaiian Hula.

Hula is the tropical dance from Hawaiʻi, that enlivens your senses, makes your heart flutter and brings a huge smile to your face.

Hula is a fantastic experience.
As well as great exercise; morals, kindness, love for oneself & for others, love & kindness for Mother Earth and all of her elements, team spirit, community spirit, learn the aloha spirit, and more, can all be gained by joining in my sessions and through learning hula.

I have so much to share from the gentle hearted, loving Hawaiian beings, on their beautiful lands, culture, history, and their lives!

The great late Aunty Maiki Aiu Lake’s quote :
“Hula is the art of Hawaiian dance expressing all that we see, hear, feel, taste, touch and smell; Hula is life.”

All you’ll need per hula session is, enough space to move freely, loose clothing and barefoot (if possible). A notepad and pen for making notes, a towel to wipe your brow, and water available for keeping hydrated.

Let’s stay active, joyful and happy. Raising our vibrations high, and all from the comfort of our own space, wherever we are located in the universe.

I am a qualified & certified mentor of dance, with over 30 years of educational experience.

For 13 years I held sessions on the Hawaiian Hula in Japan (yes, I am fluent in Japanese too). I am now back home, in the UK, sharing the hula here locally and also worldwide; online.

Hula, for me, has been life changing….It has saved my life, seen me through some rough waters, and has also shown me some truly AMAZING times, and connected me with so many wonderful souls, all around this planet.

Hula connects us back to our souls, back to our Shen; it connects us back to nature, it grounds us. It will light a fire in your heart and will reawaken you, to remember.

Hula educates us about morals, life principles, love and respect for all beings (everything is energy, everything is alive), and it brings a spark & a twinkle to your life (as within, so without).
I know, through my own life journey, and through observing all of my learners lives too.

I am excited to share my love, my passion, my skills and experience with you all.

E hele mai.
Please come join me, everyone is welcome.

Aloha ke kahi i ke kahi,
Lehualani Hula

Hula Sessions :

Tuesday 5th April
11:15-12:00 All Ages Hawaiian Hula

Wednesday 13th April
11:15-12:00 All Ages Hawaiian Hula

NCLH is a private grass roots led membership group.
Government agents of any kind are not permitted to be on this site.
We converse with you as man or woman.

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