Send NCLH a Gift ♥

Send a Gift to NCLH £

Hi there NCLH Supporters,

Here’s the link for those of you who want to send a gift to assist our revolutionary new approach to education. With your help we can move forward with building the website, gathering and advertising the online educators who have the specific qualities that makes them part of the NCLH family. We will be able to locate and open more learning hubs so that we can reach more young learners and begin to fill that growing need for hubs in our local communities.  Any amount will help us to push ahead and NCLH thank you from the bottom of our hearts in advance 💕 we are working hard to make this happen! Thankyou so much💙

Account number: 13621628
Sort code: 04-03-70
or use this link

NCLH is a private grass roots led membership group.
Government agents of any kind are not permitted to be on this site.
We converse with you as man or woman.

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