Carola’s Story

Carola’s Story

Our youngest son was home educated, the best decision we ever made. He is now 18 years old, working and brown belt in mixed martial arts and a member of the highly acclaimed fight team. He is a fully rounded, empathic beautiful soul. A young man who is loved by everyone, young, old and in between. He has a very wise head on his shoulders. We used to go to Home Ed groups, have art classes at our house with a wide range of ages and a wonderful art teacher, but apart from that he followed his interests himself. He loves cooking, geography and history to name but a few and never had to sit reading or writing for a set amount of time at a table, he hasn’t taken exams to prove how much he could ‘remember’ on that time and date but he is a wonderful, valuable member of the world we live in. I hope this helps you feel a little more relaxed and confident in your children being home educated 💜

Carola France
Devon & Cornwall NCLH Group

NCLH is a private grass roots led membership group.
Government agents of any kind are not permitted to be on this site.
We converse with you as man or woman.

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