Navigate to the home page of NCLH. You can access it here:
Click on the Blue Button “Browse Education – BOOK NOW”. Alternatively you can navigate directly to the page by going here:
This will take you to this page:
Click on a course that you want to book on and you will be taken to the course page.
Click on Enroll in Course and you will be presented with this screen
Add your email and name and click on the Blue Button “Going to Enroll”.
You will be taken to the page below where you will need to add a password. Please type it in twice and be sure to include uppercase, lowercase, a number and one special character. Then click the “Save” Blue Button.
Once completed you will be taken to your dashboard page as a student which looks similar to the below:
You can click on the courses you are enrolled on and get on with them. The webinar details will be included within the content of the courses so you will be able to click on that link at the appropriate time to join the live webinar.
Click on that lesson and then click on the link
Add your name on the next screen and click “OK”.
Request Entry on the next page.
Once you are allowed entry, you will see a screen similar to the one below and your educator will get you started on your journey with them 🙂
Notice: NCLH is a private grass roots led membership group. Government agents of any kind are not permitted to be on this site.
We converse with you as man or woman.