Author: admin

How do the hubs work with NCLH?

Hubs that work collaboratively with NCLH and align with our mission can consider themselves to be part of the NCLH initiative. This involves attending meetings, sharing ideas and resources and contributing 21% weekly/monthly towards NCLH to help us open other hubs and in doing so, also receiving the benefits of membership.

Who are the NCLH committee?

The committee is made up of volunteers from all over the British Isles. There is a core group who have continued to push through all the challenges and have ultimately completed the offering which is presented here today. We are Mums and Dads who wanted our offspring and yours to have a method of learning that is made up specifically for their needs.

What is the NCLH extra % voluntary contribution used for?

NCLH is a community based project for people of all ages that aim to provide facilities to learn online and at physical hubs. The extra % voluntary contribution is used to maintain the website, pay for building, buying or renting appropriate premises to set up learning hubs.

What is the 21% NCLH administration fee used for?

NCLH is a community based project for people of all ages that aim to provide facilities to learn online and at physical hubs. The 21% voluntary contribution is used to maintain the website, pay for building, buying or renting appropriate premises to set up learning hubs.

NCLH is a private grass roots led membership group.
Government agents of any kind are not permitted to be on this site.
We converse with you as man or woman.

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